Open Enrollment is Ending Soon. Here’s What You Need to Know

Open enrollment ends on January 15, 2022!

Don’t miss the chance to enroll in a health insurance plan. Make sure you are covered!

What is Open Enrollment?

Open Enrollment is the special time period allocated during the year to enroll in a health insurance plan effective at the start of the next year. Before last year, the traditional open enrollment period started November 1, 2021 and ended December 15, 2021. The extension now puts the deadline to enroll at January 15, 2022.

Please note that plans obtained after December 15, 2021, will not be effective starting January 1, 2021. However, the window to obtain a plan does not close until January 15, 2022. Plans obtained after December 15, 2021 are effective starting February 1, 2022.

Those at or slightly above the poverty level will be allowed enrollment throughout the whole year rather than the specified window. Also, under special circumstances such as a life-changing event, enrollment can be allowed outside of the Open Enrollment Period (OEP).

Auto-renewal is common for many current insurance policyholders who will keep the same policy. If wanting to change policies, the carrier must be notified. If the carrier is not notified, auto-renewal in the same plan occurs without action.

Are plans affordable?

The answer is yes. Plans are indeed affordable. The American Rescue Plan in 2021 provided health insurance premium subsidies, meaning the monthly premium was lowered through governmental assistance. These credits remain in effect for 2022. Also, since the monthly premium is determined based on income level, more assistance may be available. Be sure to keep this assistance in mind when enrolling in a plan.

What is the best way to enroll?

The best way to enroll is through the use of a licensed health insurance agent. Use of an agent is free of charge. The agent will select plans based on budget and medical needs. Quotes will be provided and the agent will then enroll in the chosen plan. While you can enroll on your own, it is best to use the expertise of an agent. This will ensure the right plan is chosen and the insurance is legitimate, and not part of a scam.

Due to the current environment, health insurance may be needed now more than ever.

Please contact us today to set an appointment and to enroll in a health insurance plan tailored to your needs.