Here Is How The 1% of People Who Enroll In Health Insurance Think

Every day, I talk to a lot of people who need health insurance but 99% of people don’t enroll. Here is how the 1% of people who do enroll in health insurance think, and why you should develop this mindset, too.

They view health insurance as an investment

 Cost is the number one reason why health insurance is not purchased, but the 1% of people who enroll in health insurance look at it as an investment to protect their greatest asset: their health. This mindset now makes it worth spending the money monthly.

They look for a quality plan instead of the cheapest plan

When you buy a cheap plan, you’ll get what you pay for. These plans have gaps in coverage, leaving you with high out-of-pocket costs. A better-quality plan is worth the money because your cost of healthcare will be lower throughout the year. Plans of better quality often have lower deductibles and better coverage for prescriptions and out-of-network services. They also could have a wider network of doctors to choose from, giving you more options to go get healthcare.

They view insurance as a non-negotiable expense and cut elsewhere

Insurance is an expense that is cut when money is tight and when insurance prices rise every year. However, the 1% who get health insurance keep their insurance and cut in other places. Limiting discretionary spending helps them budget and afford their premium.

They know their budget and how much they can spend on insurance

When I ask how much they can spend on insurance, 99% of people say “I don’t know.” Instead, know your budget and how much you spend on healthcare expenses each year. Work with a financial advisor if you need help!

They use a professional

Navigating health insurance is confusing. Yet 99% of people would rather spend time getting hundreds of phone calls, struggle, and give up. Brokers’ services are 100% free to help you find a plan and compare options. Work smarter, not harder!

In conclusion, 4 ways to think like the 1% are:

  • View insurance as an investment to protect your greatest asset…your health
  • Look for a quality plan instead of the cheapest plan
  • Health insurance is a non-negotiable expense
  • Seek help from a professional

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